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  1. Making a will

    If you want to be sure your wishes will be met after you die, then making a will is vital.

  2. How to leave a legacy

    Writing a will is an important step towards making sure your wishes can be respected.

  3. Advance decisions (living wills)

    were unable to make or communicate our own decisions. An advance decision allows you to express your wishes to refuse medical treatment in future. It is sometimes referred to as a living will. An advance decision ... lose the capacity to make or communicate decisions about your treatment. An advance statement of wishes explains your likes and dislikes and anything that is important for you to be comfortable. An advance

  4. Advance care planning

    live around a fifth of our lives with some form of ill health. Making sure our loved ones know how we wish to be cared if we become frail helps them make the right decisions if you're later not able to let ... that can give us peace of mind. That our wishes and wants are planned for if we become frail or ill.     Having a conversation about your wishes   Thinking about this and talking

  5. End of life issues

    that your wishes are known. Information Guide 51: Thinking about end of life contains useful information on this topic. It can help to talk to family and friends so that they know your wishes and preferences ... condition and how you would like to be cared for as it progresses making an advance statement of wishes , which tells those involved in your care how you would like to be cared for making an advance decision

  6. Advancing equality and human rights

    older’.   Having voice, choice and control over decisions that affect us and having our views, wishes and feelings taken into consideration are vitally important to all of us. It is essential that older

  7. Making hospital discharge safe

    carers should be involved in assessments and care arrangements where the older person leaving hospital wishes them to be involved. In Wales the Social Services and Well-being Act (Wales) 2014 gives a legal framework

  8. will_planner_form_Age_Cymru.pdf

    instructions for your funeral to help your loved ones to respect your wishes In your will, you may wish to include any particular wishes for your funeral or memorial service, such as whether you want to be

  9. About our Golden Thread Advocacy Programme

    support someone to participate fully in decisions about their well-being and ensure that their views, wishes and feelings are heard, respected and taken account of. Advocacy supports people to have their rights

  10. Free Wills Month

    solicitors participating in the campaign. An up-to-date will written by a solicitor can help ensure your wishes will be respected. It allows you to provide for your family and friends and leave a gift to your

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