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  1. Safe_to_be_me.pdf

    1 Safe to be me Meeting the needs of older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people using health and social care services A resource pack for professionals 2 Foreword ‘The staff in the home very rarely ... hospital without them notifying me. The man I love could have died and I wouldn’t have been there or even known.’ Ian ‘It was such a relief when the Age UK befriender enabled me to open up about being a lesbian

  2. Calendar of events

    Find an Age Positive Week event near you.

  3. Tell me more consent WEL.pdf

    Ffurflen Ganiatâd Prosiect Dywedwch Fwy Mae Dywedwch Fwy yn brosiect peilot a hoffai glywed gan eich preswylwyr am eu meddyliau a’u teimladau, a sut mae pethau wedi bod iddynt dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf. Er mwyn ein helpu gyda’n gwerthusiad o’r prosiect, rydym yn annog aelod o staff a phreswylwyr i lenwi’r ffurflen ganiatâd. Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, cysylltwch â: Suzy Webster, Rheolwr

  4. Tell Me More Project Consent_ENG.docx

    Tell Me More Project Consent Form Tell Me M ore is a pilot project that would like to hear from your residents about their thoughts and feelings and how things have been for them over the last year. To ... 1. I ag ree to take part in the Tell Me More project on Zoom ( or other virtual platform)2. I agree that any information co llected will be used for the outcomeso fthe projectincluding voice

  5. Tell Me More Project Consent _ENG.pdf

    Tell Me More Project Consent Form Tell Me More is a pilot project that would like to hear from your residents about their thoughts and feelings and how things have been for them over the last year. To ... 1. I agree to take part in the Tell Me More project on Zoom (or other virtual platform) 2. I agree that any information collected will be used for the outcomes of the project including

  6. Tell Me More report (Welsh).pdf

    1 Tell Me More Adroddiad ar y prosiect ymgysylltu â phreswylwyr cartrefi gofal Nod y prosiect Tell Me More sy'n cael ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn unol â'r Cynllun Gweithredu Cartrefi Gofal Care

  7. Count me In - December 2018.pdf

    1 Consultation response Count me In Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee National Assembly for Wales December 2018 Introduction 1. Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve ... 2. We are pleased to respond to the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee’s ‘Count me In’ consultation looking into how publicly funded bodies can use culture to tackle poverty and social

  8. Tell Me More report (English).pdf

    1 Tell Me More Report on the care home resident engagement project The aim of the Tell Me More project funded by Welsh Government in line with the Care Home Action Plan Care homes action plan: final ... what life has been like for older people living in care homes during the Covid Pandemic. The outcome will be a written report and short animated film featuring the voices of care home residents. Initially

  9. Tell me more consent WEL.docx

    Ffurflen GaniatâdProsiectDywedwchFwyMae DywedwchFwyynbrosiectpeilot a hoffaiglywedganeichpreswylwyr am eumeddyliaua’uteimladau, a sutmaepethauwedi bod iddyntdros y flwyddynddiwethaf. Ermwyneinhelpugyda’ngwerthusiado’rprosiect, rydymynannogaelod o staff a phreswylwyrilenwi’rffurflenganiatâd.Os oesgennychunrhywgwestiynau, cysylltwch â:Suzy Webster, RheolwrRhwydwaithCartrefiGofalsuzy.webster@

  10. Ask me Presentation (Age Cymru) - slide deck.pdf

    abuse The Change That Lasts Ask Me project was developed in partnership between Women’s Aid Federation of England and Welsh Women’sAid. Funded by: In partnership with: The ask me scheme… …aims tobreak the silence ... Change That Lasts Ask Me Community Ambassadors across Wales… Delivering Change That Lasts locally across Wales… Bring Change that Lasts to a community near you... Contact the “ask me” Project Coordinator:

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