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  1. Director recruitment pack.pdf

    1 RECRUITMENT PACK Non-Executive Director, Age Cymru Enterprises May 2018 2 CONTENTS Welcome Your application About Age Cymru The board Our team Role description Person specification ... your interest in being a non-executive Director of Age Cymru Enterprises. I hope that you will find this pack informative and useful in supporting your decision to apply. Age Cymru is the leading charity

  2. BigStep_Fundraising_Pack.pdf

    Take a Big Step around Wales Around Wales Challenge Fundraising Pack 1-30 September 2022 Help us make a giant leap towards an age friendly Wales In partnership with: 3 Explore beautiful coastal paths Traverse ... difference A friendship call makes a huge difference How far do I walk / run / cycle? Your fundraising pack Did you know? Our official route About Age Cymru The facts A word from our Chief Executive 4 7 8 10

  3. Trustee recruitment pack 2023.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales Here when we’re needed most. Trustee Briefing Pack July 2023 Welcome Thank you for your interest in becoming an Age Cymru trustee. Age Cymru wish to recruit trustees to ... to save money. As well as providing many support services such as Information and Advice, Age Cymru will continue to be the strong voice for all older people in these difficult times. We appreciate the

  4. will_planner_form_Age_Cymru.pdf

    reference at your meeting. (Please note that this will planner is not a legal document and cannot be used as a valid will.) **Executors are the people who will deal with your estate, collecting and distributing ... (usually a family member or a solicitor). Write their details here and let them know where copies of your will are kept. *Guardians have legal responsibility for children until they turn 18. A handy tool to prepare

  5. CF recruitment pack 2023_English.pdf

    Forum Information Pack February 2023 Welcome Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Age Cymru’s Consultative Forum. We are looking for new members who are willing to share their experiences ... during the emergency. We expect that once we get back to normal, many needs hidden during the pandemic will come to light. In response to these challenges, Age Cymru has adapted the way we provide help and

  6. Gwanwyn-Festival-2019-Information-Pack.pdf

    1 | P a g e Gwanwyn Festival 2019 Community Grants Information Pack Gwanwyn is a month-long national festival held across Wales in May each year celebrating creativity in older age. The aim of ... grants scheme to assist organisations that wish to participate in the festival. This information pack is intended to help you: a. understand the types of events we can support and b. provide the simple

  7. BigStep_Fundraising_Pack_Welsh.pdf

    Her Amgylchynu Cymru Pecyn Codi Arian Cymerwch Gam Mawr o amgylch Cymru 1-30 Medi 2022 Helpwch ni i wneud camau breision tuag at Gymru oed gyfeillgar Mewn partneriaeth â: 3 Archwiliwch lwybrau arfordirol prydferth Troediwch lwybrau hanesyddol Clawdd Off Ymunwch â Cham Mawr Age Cymru I greu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Cynnwys Dinbych-y-pysgod – De-orllewin Cymru Her Amgylchynu Cymru2 Cymerwch Gam Mawr o

  8. crs_nov17_wills_consultation_response.pdf

    Consultation Response Law Commission- Making a Will 10th November 2017 Reference number – 2317 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, ... Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 About this consultation The current law on wills in England and Wales comes from the Wills Act 1837, an archaic statute which does not account for modern and sophisticated

  9. CF recruitment pack 2023_English (1).pdf

    Forum Information Pack February 2023 Welcome Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Age Cymru’s Consultative Forum. We are looking for new members who are willing to share their experiences ... during the emergency. We expect that once we get back to normal, many needs hidden during the pandemic will come to light. In response to these challenges, Age Cymru has adapted the way we provide help and

  10. 20191010 Chair of Trustees Recruitment Pack.pdf

    1 RECRUITMENT PACK Chair of trustees November 2019 2 YOUR APPLICATION Thank you very much for your interest in this position. On the following pages you will find information about the ... any other questions to help you decide whether to apply. You can contact me on 029 2043 1555. I will also be able to arrange for you to speak to our former Chair, Dr Malcolm Fisk. I look forward to

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