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  1. Ideas for Activities Bilingual 2018.pdf

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  2. Physical activity

    Age Cymru runs a number of physical activity programmes including nordic walking, tai chi and low impact functional training.

  3. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Words_E.pdf

    Words Creating an age friendly Wales Poetry Bingo Poetry can feel intimidating sometimes. Playing Poetry Bingo encourages people to suggest their favourite poems, as well as creating something new from them. • Write down a well-known poem • Cut out each line • Put each line in a hat or bag • Ask someone to randomly pick a line and read it out • Now make a poem or verse starting with this

  4. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Words_W.pdf

    Geiriau Creating an age friendly Wales Bingo barddoniaeth Mae barddoniaeth yn gallu gwneud i bobl deimlo’n anesmwyth weithiau. Mae chwarae Bingo Barddoniaeth yn annog pobl i awgrymu eu hoff gerddi a hefyd creu rhywbeth newydd ohonyn nhw. • Ysgrifennwch gerdd enwog • Torrwch bob llinell allan • Rhowch bob llinell mewn het neu fag • Gofynnwch i rywun ddewis llinell a’i darllen

  5. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Music_E.pdf

    Wales Music Old song, new lyrics! It’s great fun to write your own songs. An even easier activity is writing new lyrics to an old tune! • Choose a well-loved song • This song could be anything: ... example of an app that allows people with limited fine motor control to contribute to a musical activity. Bloom HD can be downloaded from the App Store. Other apps are available. With Bloom HD, touching

  6. Age Cymru Activity Cards_cARTrefu_W.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales cARTrefu Beth ydi cARTrefu? Mae cARTrefu yn brosiect celfyddydol cyffrous sy’n cael ei redeg gan Age Cymru. Ers 2015 rydyn ni wedi bod yn cyfateb cartrefi gofal Cymru â rhai o artistiaid mwyaf creadigol Cymru i roi cyfle i bobl hŷn gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau celfyddydol safonol. Mae artistiaid cARTrefu wedi galluogi i gannoedd o bobl hŷn yng Nghymru greu eu

  7. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Music_W.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales Cerddoriaeth 1 Gemau balŵns Mae balŵns llachar yn gallu bod yn ddefnyddiol iawn gan eu bod yn ysgafn ac yn hawdd eu defnyddio. Mae posib eu defnyddio i gynhesu ac ar gyfer gemau cerddorol. Y Gêm Enwau Y preswylwyr yn eistedd mewn cylch llydan ac yn pasio neu dapio’r balŵn i unrhyw un o’u dewis. Mae pwy bynnag sy’n derbyn y balŵn yn galw ei enw cyn ei phasio

  8. Age Cymru Physical Activity leaflet.pdf

    Registered Charity 1128436 Physical activity 32 Is it right for me? It is never too late to start being more physically active. You can benefit from physical activity, whatever your age. The physical and ... pressure or diabetes. The greatest benefits are gained when you start taking part in regular physical activity even if you’ve been inactive for a while. You will notice the difference as soon as you begin. You

  9. Which exercise might suit you?

    Different activities bring a different range of benefits, so try a variety of things. Finding something you enjoy means you’re more likely to do it regularly.

  10. About safeguarding

    Age Cymru aims protect adults who come into contact with Age Cymru, through any of our activities, from abuse and neglect.

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