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  1. Community Calculator

    parked cars, and pavements obstructed with bins restricted access for users of wheelchairs and mobility scooters. Others said dog fouling and litter added to the problems. One respondent told the survey ‘As ... Uncoordinated transport, limited access to public toilets, anti-social behaviour, and hazards for those with mobility issues add to the number who feel isolated and lonely.’ High levels of positivity about some services

  2. Buses and trains: the stuff of memories for these Port Talbot pensioners

    and would love to wonder around the cafes under the arches overlooking the beach. Just use my mobility scooter to get about these days." (Yvonne) "My father was a miner and when he was unemployed and times

  3. 20190724 Easy access to listed buildings - Age Cymru response.pdf

    left outside for the rubbish which should not be out there” “Very difficult to get about on mobility scooter, overgrown hedges, recycling bins blocking path […]” The provision of benches and internal

  4. Disability Living Allowance

    that you meet the criteria for either or both of the two components – the ‘care component’ and the ‘mobility component’. You may be eligible for the care component if you require help with everyday tasks such ... have anyone giving you the care you need (such as a family member). You may be eligible for the mobility component if you have severe difficulties walking without assistance. Both components have levels

  5. Loneliness

    family and limited opportunities to participate in social occasions) health (poor health, limited mobility, social care needs or cognitive and sensory impairment) individual characteristics (age, ethnicity

  6. CRS_Nov17_DfT_accessibility_action_plan.pdf

    wheelchairs and mobility scooters. Response to actions and questions TRIP HAZARDS AND TACTILE SURFACES Action 1: We will commission a research project to scope the updating of the 'Inclusive Mobility' guidance ... surfaces that can affect certain groups of older people. We agree with the need to look at ‘inclusive mobility’ in broader terms, taking into account the obstacles faced by older people making the journey from

  7. 20210917 Local Government and Housing Cttee - Age Cymru response (1).pdf

    wheelchairs and mobility scooters. Problems with dog fouling and litter were also highlighted. A lack of safe pavements can place serious restrictions on the freedom of movement and mobility of older people ... accessibility to public transport. Walking distances to bus stops was a barrier for people with limited mobility, and the absence of shelter and seating at some bus stops was also raised. Neighbourhood safety

  8. IG44.pdf

    5 years, depending on your circumstances) • send you a temporary driving licence to use during a mobility centre driving assessment (see page 18) • send you a licence that says your car must be fitted with ... that you’re a safe driver. Driving assessment. The thought of having a driving assessment at a mobility centre can be off-putting. You might feel like you don’t need an assessment, or feel anxious about

  9. Personal Independence Payment

    living component and a mobility component. You may be able to claim one or both components. Daily living component Weekly rate Standard £72.65 Enhanced £108.55 Mobility component Weekly rate

  10. The Blue Badge Scheme in Wales: Age Cymru welcomes the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee report

    that older people are being disadvantaged by the current scheme. People under 65 in receipt of the mobility component of the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and its Disability Living Allowance (DLA) equivalent ... Attendance Allowance (AA) – over 75,000 people in Wales - are not. They have to demonstrate their mobility problems to qualify. We hope that Welsh Government will now put an end to this inequitable situation

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