Veterans MOT

The Veterans MOT is a new ‘Check-Up’ service from Age Cymru Powys covering all aspects of getting older, personalised for your requirements, with the aim of helping you to enjoy later life.
ACP Veterans Officer, Gwyneth Barrowclough, is a Veteran herself, and a Veterans Champion, with the knowledge and skills to support you with any matters that can affect your quality of life.
The MOT is free of charge and Gwyneth and her team can visit you at home, at a meeting place, or you can make an appointment to visit our office. Also available via telephone or online.
Who is a ‘Veteran’ in the UK?
Anyone who has served for at least one day in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces (Regular or Reserve) or Merchant Mariners who have seen duty on legally defined military operations.
What does the MOT cover?
The Veterans MOT offers financial, practical, social and wellbeing support. Our quality-accredited advice covers a wide range of topics, including helping you to access specialist Veterans services; discover and apply for the benefits you’re entitled to claim; discuss options to make later life at home more manageable; or assist with any other issues that matter to you.
- Veterans Services
- Finances
- Health & Wellbeing
- Home
- Social Connections
- Future Planning
- And much more…
“We had two visits from Gwyneth - her knowledge of Veterans’ services, allowances, housing and wellbeing was extremely helpful to myself and my husband, her help has been exceptional.”
Mr & Mrs Davies, Meifod, Powys
Meirion Davies, 83, and his wife Anne, 76, both have a military background. They were struggling to cope with the cost of living and the extra costs involved with Mr Davies’ health conditions and mobility issues. The couple were reluctant to ask for help but were advised by their GP Surgery to contact Age Cymru Powys.
How did the Powys Veterans MOT help?
When Gwyneth, the Age Cymru Powys Veterans Officer, visited Mr & Mrs Davies at home, she conducted a Benefits Check and filled in the application forms for them, securing an extra £269.57 per week in previously unclaimed entitlements. Gwyneth helped to arrange adaptations for the couple’s house to make daily living tasks easier. Mr & Mrs Davies were pleased that Gwyneth put them in touch with local Veterans’ services, as they both now enjoy spending time with other Powys Veterans, and are looking forward to joining the new Age Cymru Powys Veterans Camaraderie Club.
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