Information and advice
Age Cymru Powys offers a free and confidential information and advice service for older people, their families and carers.
Specialist Information & Advice for Older People in Powys
Our experienced, friendly advisers offer information and advice on a wide range of topics including:
- Social care - such as finding a care home or getting some help at home, and how it's funded.
- Your income - including free, confidential benefits checks and help with applying for benefits.
- Your home - information on staying warm at home, home adaptations and how to prevent falls.
- Legal issues - such as wills, Power of Attorney, and how to deal with an estate.
We work with lots of agencies and charities and will ensure that you are receiving all the support you need.
How can we help?
Whether you are looking for advice for yourself, a family member or friend, Age Cymru Powys is happy to help with enquiries for people aged 65+ living in Powys. We can help support you with issues such as:
- Finding help at home
- Housing needs
- Pensions
- Discrimination
- Health advice
- Care homes
- Care at home
- Consumer issues
- Support for carers
- Welfare benefits
- Family and personal matters
- Utility Bill advice
- Local services and support across Powys
And most other things that affect your quality of life. And if we can't help you, we can always put you in touch with people who can.
We also liaise with other organisations to support debt, grants and other financial issues.
Help with forms
Many older people struggle to complete forms which means often they don't receive the help they need with eg money worries, disability, help at home etc. We offer a free form-filling service to help you complete welfare benefit forms to ensure that you are receiving all of the benefits you are entitled to. Examples of forms we can help with:
- Attendance Allowance
- Personal Independence Payments (PIP)
- Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
- Pension Credit
- Employment Support Allowance (ESA)
- Blue Badge Disabled Parking Form
Opening times
- Telephone advice: 01686 623707 - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings 9am - 12noon.
- Visits by appointment only - please call to book.
- Address: Age Cymru Powys, Old Warehouse, Parker's Lane, Newtown, Powys SY16 2LT
Enquiries outside of office times
If your enquiry is outside these times, you can leave a message on our answer machine and we will call you back, or you can contact the national Age Cymru Advice Line on 0300 303 44 98.
Community outreach locations
We hold regular outreach surgeries across Powys to ensure that we reach those in rural and farming communities. Please contact us for dates and times of when we are next in your community.
Home and hospital visits
We visit people at home, in hospitals and in care homes if they cannot come into our offices. We can also visit people to complete welfare benefits application forms. If you require a home visit then please get in touch with your nearest office.
Contact us
Call 01686 623707 or send us an email

New Moondance-funded Cost-of-Living Officer to help older people in Powys!
Age Cymru Powys would like to say a massive thank you to The Moondance Foundation for their support in funding our new Cost-of-Living Officer.
Assisted by trained volunteers, our Cost-of-Living Officer will deliver benefit and energy advice, complete benefits and grants applications, and offer befriending services. Providing urgent face-to-face support, Safe & Well calls.
Maximising income, improving wellbeing and alleviating loneliness for older people across Powys who are struggling at this difficult time.
Gail Colbridge, Age Cymru Powys’ Chief Officer, said:
“If older people living in Powys are worried about paying their bills, they should seek advice to make sure they are claiming all their benefits and entitlements. For example, more than £200m of Pension Credit goes unclaimed in Wales each year.
There are also several winter-related benefits available to some older people such as the Winter Fuel Payment, Cold Weather Payment, Warm Home Discount Scheme, and the Welsh Government’s Warm Homes Nest Scheme. If you need help and advice, then please get in touch with us.
We urgently need more volunteers to support older Powys residents in a range of roles, including form-fillers and face-to-face or telephone befrienders – if you would like to help older people in your local Powys community, then we would love to hear from you.”
Diolch yn fawr The Moondance Foundation!

Free information guides and factsheets
Read our info guides
Age Cymru Powys offers free information guides and factsheets on a wide range of topics, including home adaptations, dementia, and advice for carers.
Contact us for free information and advice
If you need information and advice, or you would like further help with any of our information guides and factsheets, please contact us. We offer free information and advice on many topics, including how to find a care home, how to avoid scams, and Power of Attorney.