Community Helper Volunteers

Powys Community Helper Volunteers URGENTLY Needed!
Do you live in Powys? Could you spare only 1 hour per week / month to help a local older person get back outside?
Then you could change an older person’s life – by helping them to reconnect with the outside world!
We urgently need help to support lonely and isolated older people in Powys in these challenging times.
We will support you to visit / meet up with an older person with the times convenient for you.
This is a very rewarding thing to do – knowing you’ve helped someone is incredibly satisfying and will make you, and the older person you help, very happy!
Support to reconnect with community may seem like a simple thing, but it can make a world of difference to older people.
Opportunities across Powys include:
- Popping in for tea and a natter
- Support to get out and about
- Visiting local social groups together
- Help to enjoy the internet
- Sharing interests, hobbies & skills
- Enjoying life together
Our Powys Community Helper Volunteers are supporting older people to enjoy local community life.
Could you support an isolated older person to reconnect?
You don’t need any special experience to volunteer, you just need to be kind and caring, and to enjoy sharing time with someone with similar interests to you.
You can be assured of our super-friendly support, paid expenses and volunteering times that are flexible for you.
We would love to hear from you – and so would the many older people across Powys who have asked us for a Community Helper.
You will be making a fantastic positive difference to an older person’s quality of life.
Our volunteers love the opportunity to do something wonderful for older people, that helps them get out, socialise and enjoy life again.
Come and join our super-friendly teams – it's quick and easy to register your interest – please give us a call for a friendly chat, or email to find out more:
Age Cymru Powys
Call: 01686 623707