Check in & Chat Telephone Friendship

Free friendship calls for the over-50s.
Would you - or someone you know - love to talk to someone every week?
What is Check in & Chat?
Check in & Chat is a free telephone befriending service for matching volunteers with older people.
Not having someone to talk to regularly can be lonely and isolating, particularly if you're used to sharing your home and time with others.
A friendly, weekly, 30-minute to 1-hour chat on the phone can make all the difference.
Our Check in & Chat service helps to make sure that older Powys people who are lonely and isolated can have a regular call from one of our lovely volunteers.
Telephone support once a week may seem like a small thing, but it really can change older people’s lives.
What's great about Check in & Chat?
- Free weekly calls from a volunteer for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
- Find and make a new friend to share experiences with.
- We match older people with a friendly volunteer who shares similar interests and hobbies.
How does Check in & Chat work?
Check in & Chat follows a straightforward process.
- You sign up and register interest.
- We assess your profile (or the older person you're referring)
- We match up with a suitable volunteer
- We then connect the volunteer to begin weekly calls
How do I sign up?
To sign up please call 01686 623707 or email
Who is Check in and Chat for?
Our services are here for people in later life who’d like to talk to someone. You don’t need to be feeling lonely (though if you are, we’d like to help), and you don’t need to live on your own. Sometimes it’s just nice to talk.

Check in & Chat Telephone Befriending Volunteers Urgently Needed across Powys!
Would you like to be a Telephone Befriender for older people in Powys? Telephone support once a week may seem like a small thing, but it can make a big difference to older people’s lives. This is a very rewarding thing to do – knowing you’ve helped someone is incredibly satisfying and will make both you, and the older person you help, very happy!
Emanation, one of our wonderful Befrienders, explains why she loves volunteering for Age Cymru Powys
Reach out to local older people by volunteering with Age Cymru Powys!
Would you like to help an isolated and lonely older person in Powys?
Get involved - our sign up process is quick and easy: Call: 01686 623707 or email:
Thank you so much to Emanation for explaining why she loves volunteering with Age Cymru Powys!