Information & Advice Volunteers
Could you help us to provide vital information and advice to older people in Powys?
What do information and advice volunteers do?
Information and advice is a confidential service which plays a crucial role in improving the quality of life for older people.
As a volunteer adviser, you will give older people the information and advice they need to enable them to:
- Secure rights and entitlements
- Make informed choices about housing, care and money, and avoid future problems
- Play a full role in communities and society.
What you will get out of it
- Pride in providing guidance to help others in this specialist role
- A sense of achievement from being able to make an immediate difference to someone's quality of life
- It's a great opportunity to meet new people and be part of a lovely team of volunteers
- Training, support and expenses
What is expected of me?
Information and advice typically involves letting people know about services, how they can access support, and referring them to other agencies and sources of help. We offfer training, super-friendly support and paid expenses.
How can volunteering benefit you?
People volunteer for different reasons, whether it’s to gain new skills or valuable career experience, a part of your studies or simply because you want to give something back to your local community. As well as playing a vital role in the charity and in your local community, volunteering can help you achieve many of your own personal goals such as:
Making new friends
If you’re not in paid work it can be hard to get out and about and make new friends, by volunteering with us you will work side by side with our paid staff and our other volunteers so making new friends is easy.
Getting that paid job you want
It’s hard to get jobs without experience and qualifications alone are not always good enough. As a volunteer you will gain valuable experience, build your confidence and take part in training to improve your skills and knowledge. We will even give you a reference when you want to move on!
Being a part of your community
We all want to feel valued, and by volunteering with us you will really feel a part of the community in which you live. You will see the benefit of the work that you do and you will be proud to be an Age Cymru Powys volunteer.
Our volunteers are passionate about our charity and the work that we do for older people in Powys.
Whatever your reasons for volunteering, we offer a range of volunteer roles based on the services we provide. We will provide you with support and guidance to help you in your role.
Information & Advice volunteers
Please do get in touch for more information on becoming an Age Cymru Powys Information & Advice volunteer.