About us

We're a local charity working in Powys to support older people, their families and carers. We want everyone to be able to love later life.
Who we are
Age Cymru Powys is an independent local charity. We've been working in the local community to help older people for many years. Together with our dedicated staff, we rely on our wonderful volunteers helping us to deliver services and activities for older people in Powys.
Where you can find us
Our office is in Newtown. We hold regular outreach surgeries across Powys to ensure that we reach those in rural and farming communities. Please contact us for dates and times of when we are next in your community.
How we are funded
We rely on your support to keep serving the Powys community.
Our services are mostly free or subsidised and we rely on trusts and donations to continue our work.
What we do
We give advice
Our trained advisers offer free information and advice to older people and their families.
We offer toenail-cutting services
We have 8 footcare clinics across Powys with more to be added soon.
We campaign
Age Cymru Powys campaigns on local issues that affect older people in Powys.
Meet our people
Board of trustees
Find out more about our leadership team of trustees.
We are also looking to recruit a number of trustees who will support the charity at this very exciting time.
Find out about our volunteers
Our services couldn't run without the help of our amazing volunteer team. Find out more about our volunteers and how you can become a volunteer too.