This service provides help and advice on all benefits relevant to people over 50.
We can provide information, advice and benefit checks to see what benefits you may be entitled to.
This service is limited at this time due to high demand. The services we are offering at this time include:
- Full benefit check using Age UK’s calculator
- Form completion for Attendance Allowance (for other non-means tested benefits please contact one of the agencies below for assistance)
- Form completion for Blue Badges
- Pension Credit applications online
- Signposting to the home energy check service
- Provide you with information guides
Please note that due to demand we can only take a limited number of referrals therefore if the referrals are full we may ask you to call back at a later date, this can be up to one month's time away.
Other agencies providing this service are
Citizens Advice 0845 4503064 (Gwynedd)
Citizens Advice 0845 1203708 (Anglesey)
Jimmy O'Toole 01407 760208 (Anglesey)
Want to find out if you are entitled to more money online?
Visit the Age Cymru benefit checker to find out here
If you still need further information please contact:
01286 677711
We are open via telephone and email 9am - 4:30 Monday - Friday. .
If your query is in respect of any information or advice about our services we will need to inform you that we might need to collect some information about you, and under the GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018, I need to inform you that your personal data will be used for monitoring and our case recording only. Your information will not be shared with any other party or organisation without your prior consent.