Keep Well Keep Warm

Keep well, keep warm this winter.
With a little preparation and some simple suggestions, we can help stay healthy, safe, and as comfortable as possible this winter.
Getting ready for cold weather means you’re more likely to keep warm and well this winter. Here are some things you can do to stay safe and ward off the winter chills.
Firstly you can view our guide for some handy hints and tips.
We also provide free services catered to the winter months, those are:
The Eon Warm Home Check
This service is for anyone over 65. A member of our team will come out to you in your home and place energy-saving as well as heat-saving equipment such as draft excluders.
You can contact
- Peter McIlroy or
- Lisa Hughes-James to book your appointment.
- Contact: 01554 784080
- Our lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm.
First Utilities Warm Home Discount Scheme
This service is for anyone over 65 (or over 50 in exceptional circumstances). Our Information and Advice team can check to see if you're entitled to the Warm Home Discount Allowance as well as other benefits, and will help with any forms if needed.
You can make an appointment with:
- Bethan Davies on 01554 784080 or
- Chris Harries on 01239 615777
- Or email,
- Our lines are open Monday to Friday 9 am - 4 pm.