Connecting Carmarthenshire

Connecting Carmarthenshire: Age Cymru Dyfed’s service for people and those with physical disabilities in later life.
Connecting Carmarthenshire is a new support service based in west Wales funded by Carmarthenshire County Council. The service offers free advice and support to people living within communities across Carmarthenshire. The services offered are varied but Age Cymru Dyfed is here to provide information and support to older residents and adults with physical disabilities.
Age Cymru Dyfed’s Connecting Carmarthenshire service can help by providing you with the relevant information to support you and your needs. The friendly and helpful team will advise you on activities and community support available in your locality and also point you in the right direction to access or source essential services to meet your individual needs.
Our team will be working out in the community giving you access to the service on your doorstep.
You can get in touch with the Connecting Carmarthenshire Service on its central number on 0800 917 6255.Or if you want to contact Age Cymru Dyfed Team direct, ring 03333 447874 or email