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Strategic Business Plan 2024

Strategic Business Plan 2024


We put people at the centre of everything we do. We ensure delivery of high-quality services and activities, cultivate choice, independence and dignity to enable positive change and encourage and value our employees and volunteers. This is a five-year Strategic Business Plan that will be adapted over time as the landscape for older people, and for Age Cymru Dyfed, changes. There is a degree of uncertainty as we look further ahead towards 2029 so our plans will be developed based on the learnings and knowledge acquired along the way.

  • Age Cymru Dyfed is committed to helping people aged 50+ in West Wales live independently and well.
  • Our five-year Strategic Business Plan outlines how we will continue to support older people, their families, and carers by delivering high-quality, person-centred services.
  • With a growing ageing population and increasing challenges such as social isolation, financial hardship, and health inequalities, our priorities include reducing loneliness, improving wellbeing, supporting digital inclusion, and ensuring sustainability. We will expand befriending services, promote access to benefits, develop new partnerships, and embrace innovative technology to enhance service delivery.
  • This plan is a living document, evolving as needs change. Through collaboration, innovation, and a deep commitment to the people we serve, Age Cymru Dyfed will continue to be a trusted voice and vital support for older residents across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, and Pembrokeshire.

Full download:

Please find Age Cymru Dyfed's Strategic Business Plan 2024-2029 below, click to download PDF.

Strategic Business Plan 2024-9 PDF

Previous plan 2020-2023:

Strategic Business Plan 2020 - 2023 (PDF)