Our Funders and Accreditations

Our Funders, who all make it possible at Age Cymru Dyfed, plus accreditations.
Welcome to the funding stakeholders page with all our 2023 (April onwards) funders, who help us be there for Dyfed in later life listed. Check out funders below and for queries please email reception@agecymrudyfed.org.uk.
Age Cymru Dyfed Funders and Accreditations April 2023 Onwards
Llywodraeth Cymru- Welsh Government
Llywodraeth Cymru- Welsh Government funds projects e.g.
- Befriending Life Links
- Pembrokeshire SPF Living Well for Less project
The Armed Forces Covenant Trust
The Armed Forces Covenant Trust, funders of:
- Funders of our Veterans Services
- Building a better future for older veterans project
Cyngor Sir Gar, Carmarthenshire County Council
Cyngor Sir Gar, Carmarthenshire County Council, funders of:
- The 3CIPA Independent Advocacy
- The Carmarthenshire Older Persons and Physical Disability Preventative Service - Connecting Carmarthenshire
IAQP – Age UK Information and Advice Quality Programme
The I&A Quality Programme has two main sets of benchmarks, which state that a service must show that it: Provides consistent, relevant and effective advice to clients anddemonstrates this by providing sufficient information in their client records.
Santander funds our project:
- Santander Financial Inclusion
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion County Council
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion County Council are funders of our:
- Dementia Pilot
- The 3CIPA Independent Advocacy
- Virtual Reality and digital support for unpaid carers
Cyngor Sir Gar, Carmarthenshire County Council
Cyngor Sir Penfro, Pembrokeshire County Council are funders of our following services:
- Information & Advice
- Older Peoples Housing Support Service
Hywel Dda University Health Board
Hywel Dda University Health Board funds:
- Mental Health Social Inclusion Service
- West Wales Regional Dementia Wellbeing Connector Service
Investing in Volunteers
Age Cymru Dyfed is proud of its Investing in Volunteers award, received for quality standards met in 2024. The award was handed to the charity this week and shows how volunteers are valued and demonstrates commitment to volunteering within the charity.
Advice Quality Standard
The Advice Quality Standard (AQS) is awarded to organisations that give advice to members of the public on legal issues. Organisations are audited every two years and have to demonstrate that they are accessible, effectively managed, and employ staff with the skills and knowledge to meet the needs of their clients.
Volunteering Wales
Volunteering Wales make volunteering easy for volunteers and organisations working in the voluntary sector - to make it as simple and accessible as possible so volunteers and organisations can find each other with minimum fuss.
Fundraising Regulator
This badge means that our charity is recognised as committed to legal, open, honest and respectful fundraising.
Veterans Foundation
The Veterans' Foundation Hub is focused on engaging the military community and distributing funding to where it is most needed, to projects that have the biggest impact on lives in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Age UK
Age UK funds various projects.
Age Cymru
- J E George Legacy in Partnership with Age Cymru providing Information & Advice in North Pembrokeshire, West Carmarthenshire and South Ceredigion.
Cyber Essentials Accreditation
A badge to show our public sector clients we are serious about cyber security with approved Cyber Essentials certification.
Digital Inclusion Charter in Wales
We are commited to the six key pledges – allowing us to work together in the spirit of co-operation to promote digital inclusion in Wales.
- We ensure all staff/volunteers have opportunity to develop basic digital skills, and take advantage of the opportunity.
- We ensure digital inclusion principles are embedded day-to-day and support the role digital tools have in managing health/wellbeing.
- We encourage and support our staff and volunteers to help other people to get online and have the confidence to develop basic digital skills, and help other organisations to embrace digital tools.
- We commit support and resources for digital inclusion activities and initiatives in Wales in whatever ways we can, to ensure every citizen can engage digitally (if they choose).
- We share best practice and activity around digital inclusion with the Digital Communities Wales – Digital Confidence, Health and Well-being programme so that our activities are co-ordinated for max impact, measured consistently.
- We look to build local partnerships with organisations wanting to share ideas and co-ordinate activities with others in their area.
Armed Forces Covenant Fund - Employer Recognition Scheme (Gold)
This gold award demonstrates that service personnel and the armed forces community are not unfairly disadvantaged as part of their recruiting and selection processes and that our charity actively ensures our workforce is aware of their positive policies towards defence people issues.
Carer Aware
We work collaboratively with unpaid carers, social care and health professionals to better empower unpaid carers to be actively involved in decisions and services for the people they care for and themselves.
Advice Network Wales
Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire, Powys Local Citizens Advice are working together as a region to deliver Advicelink Cymru. Which is designed to help people in Wales who are most in need of advice services, particularly those who would not usually seek advice. The network wants to help people access the right advice, at the right time and make it easier for them to access services again if they need further help - whether that’s about the same issue or something new.
Pride in Llanelli Veterans
Age Cymru Dyfred is committed to providing inclusive and welcoming support to LGBT+ Veterans, serving personnel and their families.
The Age UK Charity Quality Standard (CQS)
The aim of the CQS is to ensure that we are a legal, safe and effective charity that provides a positive experience for older people.
3CIPA - Advocacy QPM
The QPM is a quality assurance assessment for providers of independent advocacy in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is based on the principles contained in the Advocacy Charter and the Advocacy Code of Practice, enabling providers to demonstrate how they are meeting the different standards.
QISS - Quality of Information and Signposting
This award is for our services that deliver information and signposting as a primary purpose. It is designed specifically around information giving, signposting and triage services.
A national membership body for voluntary organisations in Wales, WCVA exists to enable voluntary organisations to make a bigger difference together.
Investors in Carers
While we aim to list all funders, we apologise if we haven’t listed you, email natalie.moyce@agecymrudyfed.org.uk so we can put that right if this is the case.