Urgent Hardest Day Appeal - Pay it forward with Age Cymru Dyfed

Published on 01 December 2023 11:00 AM
For many older people, Christmas can be the hardest day of the year. This year, Age Cymru Dyfed shares Elizabeth's story of feeling isolated and lonely.
Elizabeth's Story
Like so many older people in our communities, Elizabeth had been struggling to pay her energy bills and was feeling isolated since the loss of her husband 15 months earlier and was on a downward spiral. Having also recently lost her beloved Labrador and with no family close by, Elizabeth struggled, hoping for light at the end of the tunnel.
Elizabeth gained information and advice, to help her claim benefits she was previously unaware of. We supported her to make better use of her Smartphone and loaned her a tablet to video call family overseas.
We gave her advice on saving energy and put her in touch with local organisations for support. Elizabeth, with our help attended social groups and activities. When Elizabeth needed us the most, we were there for her.
How you can help make a difference
In 2022-23, Age Cymru Dyfed used its funds to help people in so many ways.
- 1,761 over fifties received information and advice in 2022
- 200 benefited from mental health support in 2022
- 636 Befriending Life Links over 50s were helped in 2022
- 600+ were supported on their technology in 2022
If you wish to donate...
- Email: reception@agecymrudyfed.org,uk to organise the easiest way to pay.
- Check out our ways to donate web page
- Please make any cheques payable to Age Cymru Dyfed.
Last year, we helped Dyfed love later life in so many ways! From befriending and digital inclusion to mental health support and information and advice, plus £2.3m awarded in previously unclaimed welfare benefits!
Age Cymru Dyfed gets limited statutory funding. We believe it is vital our service is available to all who need it and that it offers free, confidential, expert advice and home visits for people with mobility problems. Donations ensure we deliver work locally.