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Thanking Harvey, Outstanding Trustee and Former Chair

Published on 01 May 2024 09:21 AM

Harvey Jones

Thanking Harvey Jones, Outstanding Trustee and Former Chair

Harvey Jones, a former Head Teacher, has stepped down from his role as Age Cymru Dyfed Trustee Board member this March (24th), following 14 years of outstanding service for the charity and its previous guises as a Volunteer, Trustee, Chair and Veterans representative.

Harvey gave so much to get Age Cymru Dyfed to its independent age-friendly charity status it enjoys today, doing his bit to serve older people of West Wales, starting out as a volunteer initially in Carmarthenshire.

Simon Wright, CEO of Age Cymru Dyfed said of this news:

“Harvey’s service as a trustee member and Chair has been invaluable. Our Trustee Board acknowledges his contribution and support to Age Cymru Dyfed will be very much missed. Harvey first joined Age Cymru Sir Gar as a volunteer back in 2010, before Age Cymru Dyfed became an independent three-county charity and has gone above and beyond in his contributions to our cause. Harvey’s association with the Age Cymru network has run for over 14 years. And while he has retired for a second time to pursue other interests, he will amongst other things continue to enjoy his well deserved passion for cycling, travel and rugby.”

Harvey’s career highlights, helping the charity develop and deliver high-quality specialist support services and interventions for older people in the community:

  • Harvey has held many positions during this journey from volunteer to Chair on the Board, making big contributions towards forming independent charity status in 2020, and achieving the thriving position it still holds today.
  • Harvey became an Age Cymru Sir Gar trustee while continuing his volunteering duties at the charity which eventually led to his role as Chair. Harvey was then elected Chair of the Shadow Board, bringing together trustees from Age Cymru Sir Gar and Age Cymru Ceredigion to undertake the process of merging the two to form Age Cymru Dyfed. That process lasted 18 months while Harvey continued to chair Age Cymru Sir Gar.
  • Harvey was elected first Chair of Age Cymru Dyfed in April 2020 and served this position until Peter Hamilton took on the role.
  • Harvey was the Age Cymru Dyfed Trustee Board representative for Older Veterans services and a member of the Finance and Scrutiny Committee as well as sitting on the Age Cymru Policy Group.

Photo caption:

  • top middle, Simon Wright, CEO, Age Cymru Dyfed
  • top left, Alan Dodd, Financial Services Provider, Age Cymru Dyfed 
  • second left Caroline Streek, Trustee, Age Cymru Dyfed 
  • third left, Harvey Jones former Chair of Trustees, Age Cymru Dyfed
  • fourth left, Caroline Davies, Deputy CEO, Age Cymru Dyfed
  • fifth left, Peter Hamilton, Chair of Trustees, Age Cymru Dyfed,
  • top right, Harriet Shaw, Admin Support Officer, Age Cymru Dyfed
  • second right, Vanessa Walker, Deputy Chair of Trustees, Age Cymru Dyfed
  • third right, Peter Loughran, Trustee, Age Cymru Dyfed
  • fourth right, Ann Dymock, former CEO, Age Cymru Sir Gar
  • fifth right, Allan Williams, Trustee, Age Cymru Dyfed
  • sixth right, Anthony Mattick, Trustee Age Cymru Dyfed

See Board of Trustees for further information.