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Glanaman Successfully Reopens Essential Community Asset

Published on 09 August 2024 11:33 AM

repopening of glanaman community hall

This summer Age Cymru Dyfed has been helping to organise an event to celebrate the reopening of Communal Hall, Bro Ryan Housing Complex, Glanaman in Carmarthenshire.

Bro Ryan, like many similar housing complexes across Carmarthenshire is predominantly for the over fifties and is a mix of flats and bungalows. Bro Ryan can be found in the quiet village of Glanaman just outside Ammanford. The village is famous for many things, perhaps most noticeably, this complex for its namesake, the well-known Welsh comedian Ryan Davies.

The Hall for many served as the focal point for many a community event and weekly activity. Covid restrictions closed the hall, but many looked forward to its reopening to get back to the get togethers once restrictions were lifted.

A significant water leak, created some further delay, with burst pipes and a ceiling collapse, shortly before it was due to reopen, an additional 18 months of closure waiting for repairs to be carried out by Carmarthenshire County Council.

Earlier this year with repairs underway, Age Cymru Dyfed was contacted by County and Community Cllr Emyr Rees who wanted to celebrate its reopening. He asked if we would be interested in helping him. Emyr, born and bred in the village, knew just how essential it was to get this hall open again with residents using it and socialising, like pre-Covid times.

Cllr Emyr Rees said,

"It’s been quite a journey getting the communal hall reopened after Covid, but well worth it."

Rhian Jones, Information and Wellbeing officer for Age Cymru Dyfed, also from the area said

“I've first-hand experience of how important this hall is to local residents and the community, and I’ve been keen to get stuck in, helping Emyr organise the reopening celebration for residents.”

On Tuesday 6 August, with the help of Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Carmarthenshire Mrs Jayne Picouto and Cllr Handel Davies, Chair of Carmarthenshire County Council, Cllr Emry Rees welcomed all residents and services to the opening of Bro Ryan Communal Hall.

We also welcomed others from the community, including family members and local village residents back to the hall to see the hard work that had gone into the reopening. It was a chance for people to gather, reminisce and plan for future activities within the now repaired homely communal space.

Before the end of the day, plans were well underway organising a new weekly Coffee Morning, Yoga Classes and the ever-popular Christmas party, concerts and other fantastic events for residents, families and friends. Not to mention Cllr Rees having a tinkle on the ivories of the hall piano.

Cllr Emyr Rees extended thanks to all services attending, which included:

  • Age Cymru Dyfed Wellbeing I&A, Digital, Veterans Project teams
  • Pobl, Adfeiad & CCISS
  • Oakhouse Foods (who brought tasty desserts for us all to try)
  • Mencap
  • Amman Valley Railway society
  • Awel Aman Tawe, Angor
  • Shadows and local PCSO’s Josh and Ian from Ammanford Police station 
  • local community Police in the area


