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Age Cymru Dyfed Awarded QPM Accreditation for Provision of Advocacy Services

Published on 01 August 2024 01:28 PM

Advocacy QPM

Age Cymru Dyfed has been awarded the Quality Marque Badge for the 3 years ahead for the provision of its advocacy services.

The QPM (Quality Performance Management) is a quality assurance assessment for providers of independent advocacy in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is based on the principles contained in the Advocacy Charter and the Advocacy Code of Practice, enabling providers to demonstrate how they are meeting the different standards.  It is the only quality mark for organisations offering independent advocacy and demonstrates excellence in line with standards and the charter.

Simon Wright, CEO at Age Cymru Dyfed said,

“I am pleased to confirm that Age Cymru Dyfed today received the final report and a positive award for our QPM Accreditation for the provision of Advocacy services for another three years.

“The accreditation process involved a desktop review of casework, policies and procedures and a site visit to interview staff members and service users."

Feedback Age Cymru Dyfed received included:

  • We found the advocate to be committed, reflective and passionate about their future in advocacy.
  • Age Cymru Dyfed demonstrated confidence, knowledge and understanding of Safeguarding practices and processes in place.
  • It is clear from discussions with staff at Age Cymru Dyfed that they are passionate about their role in safeguarding people against abuse and neglect
  • Age Cymru Dyfed is committed to continually reflecting on service delivery performance, issues and challenges and being proactive and responsive with a strong positive leadership.
  • There is a strong sense of empowerment and enablement throughout the team at ACD, promoting individualised and rights-based approach.
  • Age Cymru Dyfed, has the health, safety and general wellbeing of staff at the centre of their organisation, with evidence of a caring compassionate culture at ACD.

Age Cymru Dyfed’s Chair of Trustee Board Peter Hamilton said,

“I am really pleased with the comments and positive feedback and of course the seal of approval for the coming three years in our service provision with advocacy work.”