Scipiwch i'r cynnwys

Dathlu Wythnos Genedlaethol y Gwirfoddolwyr

Dathlu Wythnos Genedlaethol y Gwirfoddolwyr

Cyhoeddwyd ar 29 Mai 2023 02:31 yh

Cymraeg yn dod yn fuan.


This week is Volunteers' Week!

This week is National Volunteers' Week 2023 and at Age Cymru Dyfed, we couldn't help Dyfed love later life without the support and dedication of our volunteers and we are always keen to enrol more help so that we can conitnue to deliver our projects across West Wales.

To kick off Volunteers' Week at Age Cymru Dyfed, there's a chance to meet the volunteering team on Thursday 1 June. It's an open house to come and meet the team and find out how you can support people 50+ in your local community. It's from 10am at The Garden Centre, Myrtle Hill, Pensarn, Carmarthen SA31 2NG.

Volunteeering Manager at Age Cymru Dyfed Lynne Meredith said; 

"We look forward to meeting you and helping you discover the many benefits of volunteering for our team. Many people think volunteering is not an option for them, maybe due to busy schedules and lives. However, as little as 2 hours a week of your time can be hugely beneficial and really do help to make a difference. We provide training, pay all out of pocket expenses and the personal rewards helping people and learning skills are great."

Volunteer for Age Cymru Dyfed

If you are considering becoming a volunteer for us then read on and watch our video.

Haroun's Story on our blog section explains how volunteering for Age Cymru Dyfed can be life changing. Also check out our Volunteering page for further inspiration and guidance on how you too can get involved.