Information and Advice

- Location: Age UK Coventry and Warwickshire
- Price: Free
This is a free service
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Coventry & Warwickshire - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK Coventry and Warwickshire
8-10 Clemens Street
Leamington Spa
CV31 2DL
United Kingdom
Telephone: 02476231999
Age UK Coventry & Warwickshire offers a free, confidential and quality-accredited advice service for anyone over 50, their families and carers.
If you live in Coventry and are over 18 with a physical health condition and/or dementia we can also support you.
How can you help me?
• You can talk to one of our trained and experienced information and advice officers.
• We also stock a wide range of free information guides and leaflets written for the benefit of older people.
• Home visits or community venue visits can sometimes be arranged.
• You can also download advice guides, information leaflets and factsheets on the Age UK website click on the link below for more information
What can you help me with?
• Welfare benefits – entitlement/enquiries and filling in forms
• Housing options
• Help at home
• Care options
• Advice on Power of Attorney applications
• Money matters
• Help you to navigate the social care system
Click the link below for information on direct payments
I&A Quality Programme
Age UK Coventry and Warwickshire's Information and Advice Service is proud to have received the I&A Quality Programme.
The programme has two main sets of benchmarks, which state that a service must show that it:
• Provides consistent, relevant and effective advice to clients and demonstrates this by providing sufficient information in their client records.
• Has clear and relevant systems and procedures in place to manage the delivery of consistent, good quality information and advice.
• Monitors its services and seeks feedback from clients and stakeholders.
More information available on this page: