Hospital Social Prescribing in Warwickshire

- Location: Age UK Coventry and Warwickshire
- Price: Free
This is a free service
Age UK Coventry and Warwickshire
8-10 Clemens Street
Leamington Spa
CV31 2DL
United Kingdom
Telephone: 02476 231999
When you are, or have been, in hospital, there are many things that might make it difficult to get home as soon as you would like, or might impact on you when you do get home.
Our Hospital Social Prescribing Service helps patients that might be struggling to be discharged due to their home or personal circumstances, are worried about going home, or have been recently discharged and are finding it hard to cope.
What support can this service offer?
• Listening and discussing your needs and worries about going home from hospital
• Offering doctors, nurses and other health service staff a “non-medical” referral option to assist with your health, wellbeing & care
• Helping you to return home from hospital as soon as possible with access to services such as: help and care at home; home safety aids and adaptations including: lifeline services, key safe, referrals to OT and other agencies.
• Access to Age UK Coventry and Warwickshire free counselling and befriending services
• Access to services such as shopping or collection of prescriptions
• Supporting you with any mental health needs including liaison with other agencies.
• Working with you to identify relevant social opportunities and addressing barriers to take up e.g. transport, inability to leave own home, etc.
• Housing, benefits and financial support and advice including access to suitable housing, low income and debt.
How to access these services:
Hospital Social Prescribers are located at:
• George Elliot Hospital Nuneaton,
• St Cross Hospital Rugby
• Warwick Hospital.
Please advise your ward staff if you would like to speak to one of our Hospital Social Prescribing Team or want a referral to this service.
If you get home from hospital and then decide you would like some help, you can also contact us, and we can ask one of the Hospital Social Prescribing team to give you a call.