Age UK Coventry & Warwickshire is committed to being there for older people. With a gift to us in your will, you will be supporting us to make life better for older people in Coventry and Warwickshire. Find out more
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Where and when do groups meet?

Currently we have the following provision:


Venue Day Time

Nuneaton and Bedworth

United Reformed Church, Nuneaton Mondays - Thursdays 9.00am – 3.00pm

North Warwickshire

Penmire Close, Grendon Mondays & Wednesdays 9.00am – 3.00pm

South Warwickshire

Dell Court, Henley in Arden Tuesdays & Thursdays 9.00am – 3.00pm
James Court, Warwick Wednesdays & Fridays 9.00am – 3.00pm
Rugby The Claremont Centre, Rugby Mondays to Thursdays 9.00am – 3.00pm

What does it cost?

Warwickshire County Council provide funding for the majority of our clients – for more information contact their Adult Social Care Team: Adult social care – Warwickshire County Council Tel: 01926 410410

Information on eligibility for funding can be found here: Eligibility for adult social care support – Warwickshire County Council

We also accept referrals from private clients – please contact out Team leaders (details below) for more information

The Dementia Day Opportunities have the following charges for private clients and Warwickshire County Council (WCC) funded clients:

Locality Private Client /per day WCC Funded Clients - Lunch
Nuneaton and Bedworth £50.00- includes lunch and refreshments Up to £10
North Warwickshire £50.00 - includes lunch and refreshments Up to £10
South Warwickshire £50.00 - includes lunch and refreshments Up to £10
Rugby £50.00 - includes lunch and refreshments

Up to £10


Contact Us:

If you would like to discuss a referral or need any further information, then please feel free to contact us:

Area: Rugby/North Warwickshire

Team Lead: Debbie Beebe 

Contact Details: or 

Tel: Debbie B – 07967 315294

Tel: Kimberley – 

Area: South Warwickshire

Team Lead: Maureen Wigington

Contact Details:

Tel: 07780 684383

Area: Nuneaton and Bedworth

Team Lead: June Tunnicliffe

Contact Details: 

Tel: 07881 812941

If you have any other needs or concerns:

Contact Details:

Tel: 02476 231999

Dementia Support in Warwickshire

Download this document with details of dementia support in Warwickshire- available 24/7