Age UK Coventry & Warwickshire is committed to being there for older people. With a gift to us in your will, you will be supporting us to make life better for older people in Coventry and Warwickshire. Find out more
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  • Location: Age UK Coventry and Warwickshire
  • Price: Free
Call 02476 231999 for more info

Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Coventry & Warwickshire - Head Office's catchment area.

Age UK Coventry and Warwickshire
8-10 Clemens Street
Leamington Spa
CV31 2DL
United Kingdom

Our free Befriending Service is for over 70s to enhance the quality of life to alleviate loneliness and isolation

Who is the service for?

We support people aged 70+ who have limited social contact with family and/or friends. Priority is given to those people who have no one.

We offer a variety of befriending services

Telephone befriending: Our telephone befriending service provides regular telephone calls for a friendly chat with one of our befriending volunteers. Whether you are looking for a general chat, want to hear about someone else's day or just want a listening ear, our telephone befrienders can be there for you.

Carers - Telephone befriending: A matched volunteer will phone the carer on a weekly or fortnightly basis to have a chat.

Face to face befriending: Our befriending volunteers offer friendship if you are feeling isolated in your own home. Your matched volunteer can visit regularly to chat, play games, birdwatch, reminisce, watch TV; anything of mutual interest!

Penpal letter: A matched volunteer will send and receive a letter once a month

Referrals can be made by individuals, family, friends, neighbours and professionals.

Are there any circumstances when the Befriending Service is not suitable?

Our aim is to assess every referral individually for suitability. We regret that in some circumstances a person's needs may exceed the support available from our service. For example, people with memory loss, dementia or mental health issues may need a higher level of support. In these cases we will endeavour to provide information on other suitable support.

Who are our volunteers?

Our volunteers come from all walks of life and are carefully selected and screened including a full Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. We aim to match our volunteers with older people who have similar interests and outlook.
If you are interested in becoming a befriending volunteer, click the link below.

Befriending Story

To read about one of our client and volunteers' Telephone Befriending stories, click the link below.