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By volunteering for one of our Dementia Day Opportunities,  you can provide an important role and increase the wellbeing of people affected by dementia.

Volunteer Enquiry Form

What can I expect to do?

  • Work with Age UK Coventry and Warwickshire staff team and provide support to the Team Lead to ensure a smooth running of the Dementia Day Opportunities service as guided.
  • Welcome members to the service support by serving drinks, making them feel at ease by chatting etc
  • Help set up for Day Opportunities and help clear the room after the sessions
  • Assist members in appropriate activities, playing cards, bingo, quizzes, craft work etc. Also with occasional trips out.

What you will get out of it.

  • It's a great way to make a real difference to someone's life.
  • You'll be giving something to your community
  • You'll get to be a part of Age UK Coventry & Warwickshire's volunteer team and share ideas
  • Volunteers tell us they find helping really rewarding

What is expected of me?

  • Help /support staff with serving meals at lunch time
  • Be able to commit on a regular agreed basis
  • Be a good listener, whilst remembering that we have a strict code of confidentiality within day care.
  • Undertake training as required by the TL
  • As part of the application process, we will need to carry out a DBS (at no cost to you) and gather references. Potential volunteers will need to be available during normal working hours in the week to attend an informal interview. 

To view the full role description, click here