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Embracing a lifetime of movement

Published on 15 May 2024 08:24 AM

Keep moving forward, embrace a lifetime of movement beyond Mental Health Awareness Week which is coming to and end. But our journey toward better mental health through movement doesn’t have to end here.

Throughout this week, we've explored the incredible connection between movement and mental wellbeing. From reducing stress and anxiety to boosting mood and improving overall quality of life, the benefits of staying active are truly endless.

So, why stop now? Let's recap some key reasons why incorporating movement into your life is essential for maintaining good mental health:

  • Stress Relief: Movement helps to release tension and lower stress hormones, leaving you feeling calm and refreshed.
  • Mood Boost: Engaging in physical activity releases feel-good endorphins, lifting your spirits, and enhancing your mood.
  • Community Connection: Taking part in group activities fosters social connections and reduces feelings of loneliness.
  • Physical Liberation: Movement can empower us to break free from chronic pain and trauma, allowing us to reclaim control over our bodies and minds.
  • Hardy Health: Regular movement supports overall physical health, reducing the risk of chronic conditions and improving longevity.

As Mental Health Awareness Week comes to a close, we want to encourage each of you to continue the new habits you've been forming. Whether it's a daily walk with the dog, a yoga class, or a dance session in your living room, keep moving on your journey to better mental health.

If you ever feel like you need a little extra support along the way, don't hesitate to ring our Mental Health and Wellbeing Team at 0191 386 3856 or by emailing

We're here to listen, support, and guide you toward a brighter tomorrow.

Let's keep moving forward together!

#KeepMovingForward #MovementForMentalHealth #ReachOutForSupport