keep cool this summer
Published on 08 June 2023 08:27 AM
With the weather hotting up, we all want to get outside and enjoy it, especially as the sun has some great health-boosting benefits.
We all look forward to some sunshine over the summer but it is worth remembering that when the temperature goes up it can present health risks for older adults.
The importance of staying cool and keeping well in hot weather cannot be over-estimated, as older people can be particularly susceptible to heat-related illness.
Heat exhaustion and heatstroke are serious conditions for us all if left untreated.
All of us, neighbours, family and friends should provide whatever support we can for each other and older people, particularly those living alone. We have shared some useful tips on how to stay cool during a heatwave in our Met Office Weather Alert news article today, they are easy and practical suggestions to keep ourselves and others safe in hot weather.
Age UK offers a range of free information and advice designed to help older people live well during the summer months and protect themselves when the temperature soars. This information is beneficial to everyone, no matter what our age is.
You can also download a copy of their leaflet about staying cool.