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Durham Libraries for You consultation

Published on 27 January 2022 09:28 AM

Durham County Council are hosting online consultations to ask residents how they use their local libraries, including accessing digital library services etc and if not, why. They would particularly like to hear from older people about how library services should be delivered in the future. The Libraries for You focus group would like to invite you to join their online Older People’s focus Group at 11.00am on 28 January 2022.  

The group want to gather views and opinions to help them understand:

  • what makes you value the library services you use?
  • why you do not use County Durham libraries
  • what you would look for in library services in the future

This will help them to: 

  • identify new priorities and needs for County Durham library services for all County Durham residents 
  • understand the role you wish the library to have within the community  
  • look at how the library and its services could support community needs and aspirations
  • ensure they continue to provide a comprehensive, engaging, responsive and efficient service 
  • identify and recommend the use of new technologies in the library service

Further information on how to take part can be found at 

You can also click on the following links to book your place online