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MET Office Level 3 weather alert

Published on 20 December 2021 01:36 PM

The Met Office has issued a level 3 cold weather alert. This means that severe cold weather is forecast in North West England, North East England, and Yorkshire and the Humber, from 9.00am today until approximately 12noon on Thursday 23 December. Please make sure you have everything they need to keep warm and well.

Exposure to the cold can have a devastating impact on older people, who are particularly vulnerable to the impact of low temperatures. As people get older it takes longer to warm up which can be bad for health. Breathing in cold air lowers the body temperature, and raises the risk of chest infections, heart attacks and strokes.

We should all try to maintain the heat in our homes at steady temperature throughout the day and night. The Met Office recommends at least 18°C (64°F). Wear several light layers of warm clothes (rather than one chunky layer).

It is also best to keep bedroom windows shut on a winter’s night.

Beat the bad weather with the simple steps listed on Keep warm Keep well page.

More detailed forecasts for individual regions can also be found on the Met Office website