Volunteer Driver

As a Volunteer driver you could provide transport to help maintain indepedence and reduce social isolation in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
What is a Volunteer driver?
We rely on volunteer drivers to support our community car scheme, electric vehicles, and accessible minibuses; each year we support over 50,000 journeys across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, empowering people to have greater choice and control.
We arrange door-to-door transport for people who have difficulty accessing other forms of public transport. We specialise in a wide range of social trips, such as; transport to local hubs, clubs, and activities. We also support non-emergency healthcare appointments, prescription drops, meeting friends for lunch, and shopping excursions.
Our Community Transport services perform an invaluable role in the community, providing individuals, organisations, and groups an opportunity to find out what transport is available in their area. We then identify the cost, manage, and coordinate your booking with ease.
Our Volunteer Drivers need a clean driving license, MOT, insurance, and tax; Midas Training is provided, and a DBS check is required for all new applicants. The number of hours is flexible to your needs, and mileage will be reimbursed to all volunteers.
What you will get out of it
- It's a great way to make a real difference to someone's life
- You'll be giving something back
- You get to be part of Age UK Cornwall's volunteer team
- You are providing a safe, effective, co-ordinated service for people who need it the most
- All your mileage expenses will be paid
- It connects you directly with those around you, and is particularly beneficial for your local community
Find out more
If you are interested in volunteering for Age UK Cornwall's transport service, please call Ann Lewis on - 01872 223388 or email volunteering@ageukcornwall.org.uk
Apply now
You can apply online by clicking this link or contacting our Helpline on 01872 266383 - or via email on volunteering@ageukcornwall.org.uk