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Falmouth Befriending Role Description

Within the next decade, 2 million people aged 50 and over in England are projected to be lonely if we fail to tackle loneliness. Loneliness has a dramatic impact on health, wellbeing and quality of life.

As a Befriender you will commit to spend one hour a week visiting older people who are experiencing loneliness to offer support and companionship. Our Befrienders treat our clients as individuals, recognising their unique strengths and interests, creating meaningful interactions that reduce social isolation and improve quality of life.

Specific responsibilities

  • Visit a client regularly in their own home for companionship and conversation
  • Signpost clients to other organisations that may support their health and wellbeing
  • Encourage clients to attend social groups or events where appropriate that may enhance their wellbeing and connect them further with the local community
  • Provide feedback regularly to the Programme Coordinator regarding visits, promptly communicating any issues or concerns that may arise

You will not be required to provide personal care or give medical advice to clients.

Personal qualities most suited to this role

  • Good listening and communication skills
  • Reliability and trustworthiness
  • A positive outlook
  • Empathy
  • A non-judgemental and supportive approach
  • An understanding of the challenges that people face in later life
  • A respect for confidentiality

Key requirements

  • Provide background information for a DBS check
  • Complete the following mandatory training:

- Safeguarding

- Boundaries

- Lone Working

- Health & Safety

- Data Protection

How much time is involved

This is a flexible role that can work around yours and your client’s schedule, but we do ask that you commit to one hour per week to create consistency.


We will cover agreed out-of-pocket expenses, such as travel costs.

Responsible to

Falmouth Befriending Programme Coordinator.


Apply today

You can apply online by clicking this link or contacting our Helpline on 01872 266383 - or via email on