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Support Falmouth Community Hub | Coop Community Fund

Published on 05 May 2022 01:03 PM

Falmouth Community Hub is proud to be supported by the Coop Community Fund, which supports local projects that provide a local benefit to people in the community.

Our Aim

Our aim is to use member donations to enable trips for older people, with disabilities or barriers, to go out on a fully accessible Electric Vehicle. Our trips will include local places to socialise, eat out and rejoin the community post COVID. To find out more and support, please read below:

How you can Help

We still have six months to continue raising awareness and showcasing the support Falmouth provides to the local community. Therefore, we are asking Coop members to choose the Falmouth Day Centre Cause (see link below), and asking you to please encourage more people to sign up as members.

You can find out more and direct people to this link - Support Falmouth Day Centre or they can find Falmouth Day Centre when signing into their account.

Remember, the more members who choose our cause the more money we receive to support vulnerable and socially isolated people.

About this Cause

Falmouth Community Hub is part of Age UK Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly and supports people with various abilities.  People meet in a safe, friendly, inclusive environment - with a wide range of activities, information and clubs. All transport is supported by volunteer drivers and Electric Vehicles, which also deliver hot meals and provide welfare checks to people at home. The Community Hub also provides support to carers and families.

How this Cause brings people in the community together

Falmouth Community Hub aims to help individuals regain the confidence to go out and reconnect with the local community. They support people to form new friendships and feel positive about visiting local places, gain knowledge and promote emotional wellbeing. The day trips will be fun, friendly and person-centred - all trips are led by clients, informing Falmouth Community Hub where to go and 'what matters to me'.