Other organisations that help older City residents?
Find where you can get help over the holidays: City of London festive period opening hours
Age UK City of London is the charity for older people in the square mile.
Our services support and enhance wellbeing and help build social connections so that people can enjoy growing older in this fantastic, vibrant city. Whether you are a City resident, or whether you work, volunteer or study in the square mile, the opportunities that we provide will enable you to maintain an active independent life, develop new friends and interests, be part of a community and make the most of living in the heart of London.
- Keeping in touch with friends and neighbours: whether you're a craft enthusiast, a film buff or just want a chat over a hot cuppa, our coffee afternoons offer an opportunity to spend time with like-minded people in a welcoming atmosphere.
- Keeping fit and active: we offer a range of physical activity from walking to yoga and zumba.
- Linking you up with the support you need: whether you need some help getting online, help with food shopping or a referral to the local food bank, Age UK City of London can put you in touch with organisations who can help.
- Entertainment and cultural enrichment: we organise regular outings to places of interest such as museums, galleries, Livery Halls, historic buildings, concerts and the ballet, trips to the seaside and more.
To find out more about any of the above, please contact Alice Westlake at Alice.Westlake@ageukcityoflondon.org.uk or on 0203 488 6884
City Connections
Our sister charity Age UK East London runs the City Connections service in the square mile, providing lots of services for older people and their carers. Visit their website.
City Advice
Information and advice to City residents is provided by Toynbee Hall. They can advise on a wide range of issues including housing, debt, welfare benefits and the cost of living crisis. Take a look here.
City Carers
If you look after a spouse, friend or relative you can get support and meet others in the same situation. Email "City Carers" on citycarerscommunity@gmail.com
City of London Healthwatch
Healthwatch is the independent champion for people who use health and social care services in the square mile. Find out how you can make your voice heard on the issues that matter to you https://www.healthwatchcityoflondon.org.uk/
Fusion Young at Heart
Golden Lane Leisure Centre on Fann Street offers a membership scheme for people aged 50 and over – find out more here.