About us

We're a local charity working in the community to support older people, their families and carers. We want everyone to be able to love later life.
Who we are
Age UK City of London is the charity for older people who live, work, study or volunteer in the square mile. Our focus is on enhancing wellbeing and building social connections so that people can enjoy growing older in this amazing city. Each year, AUKCL helps hundreds of older people to maintain an active independent life, develop new friends and interests, and make the most of living in the heart of London.
We do this by providing:
• Health walks, fitness and wellbeing activities
• Digital learning and inclusion
• Arts and cultural events
• Trips and outings
• Weekly drop-in ‘Golden Social’ with a range of programmed talks, films and events
• A dedicated group to support to older BAME women in Aldgate
We work co-productively with older people and volunteers and enjoy close collaboration with a number of City companies who bring value through corporate volunteering, fundraising and by supporting our work in other ways.
We work closely with our partners including the Corporation of London, Ramblers Walking for Health, Fusion Leisure, Barbican and Community Libraries, and local older people’s and community groups.
How we are funded
We rely on your support to keep serving the community. We are supported by donations from the public and some charitable grants.
Age UK City of London is a subsidiary charity of Age UK Camden. You can get more information here.
Trustees report
Take a look at our annual Trustees Report and financial statements for the financial year.