Wills Advice Surgery

A solicitor or legal executive who is donating their services free of charge conducts our monthly Wills Advice Surgery.
The advisor can explain what a will is, why you need one and give general advice on what you should consider when making a will and administering your estate.
Following your private session, you should have a better understanding of the law relating to wills so that you can make an informed decision about accessing further legal advice.
Making a will can bring great peace of mind, take the first step by booking an appointment with us today.
When and where to get advice about wills
We will be offering a monthly surgery on the 2nd Friday of each month; commencing on the 11th November 2022, covering advice on wills, LPAs, probate and deputyships.
Appointments are available at the New Horizon Centre, Henderson Street, Macclesfield. SK11 6RA. Please call us on 01625 612958 or email to enquiries@ageukce.org to make an appointment.
What does it cost
This service is free, however, we welcome donations.