Keep in Touch Telephone Befriending

There are currently two befriending services available to older people.
Our local service, Keep in Touch, provided by local volunteers, or the national service provided by Age UK 'Call in Time'
Keep in Touch
Keep in Touch is our new befriending service, linking older people who may not get the opportunity for a regular friendly chat, with one of our friendly telephone volunteers.
You’ll receive a weekly call, at a time that suits you, giving you the chance to chat and form new friendships over the phone.
You do not need a formal referral to access this service. Just contact us using the details below to find out more about the service and to book a call from one of our volunteers.
We may not be able to pair you up with a volunteer immediately, but we will try our hardest to set you up as quickly as we can. Before you know it, you’ll be chatting away with a new friend about anything that takes your fancy!
With thanks to Macclesfield Town Council for helping support the service for Macclesfield residents
Keep in Touch
To request a local befriending call from one of our Keep in Touch volunteers
Would you like to volunteer to make calls?
We are always looking for volunteers to help make befriending calls. Please get in touch if you would like to help
Call in Time
There is also a national telephone befriending service provided by our national partner Age UK. To find out more about this service, click on the box below
Call in Time (national Age UK service)
To find out how you can access the national befriending service, please click here