Dementia Club

We offer a day club for people living with dementia and memory problems. We provide a high level of support and a wide range of activities for those attending, as well as providing all important respite for carers.
Our Dementia Club currently operates from day centres in the heart of Macclesfield and Bollington. Open between 10.00am and 3.00pm, Monday to Wednesday* (excluding bank holidays), up to 6 older people will attend each day, undertaking a wide range of activities that combine mental, physical and social stimulation, including arts & craft, reminiscence, quizzes, baking falls prevention, music therapy, group interaction, word games and trips out.
* in due course we hope to open Monday to Friday but until we can build up the numbers of those attending, we will just begin with 3 day opening.
Refreshments will be provided throughout the day, along with a light meal at lunchtime.
As a local charity focusing on the needs of older people, we have many years’ experience of providing interesting, stimulating and appropriate activities for people living with dementia. This service builds on that experience, using a combination of paid staff and volunteers, to ensure those we are supporting and their carers receive an excellent level of service. Our support service is suitable for anyone with memory problems. We do not offer any assistance with personal care but can offer support to ensure that everyone who does attend has a thoroughly enjoyable experience.
Who is the service suitable for?
Our support service is suitable for anyone with memory problems. We do not offer any assistance with personal care but can offer support to ensure that everyone who does attend has a thoroughly enjoyable experience.
What does the service cost?
The cost of the service is £65 for 10am - 3pm and £55 for 10.30am - 2.30pm per day. We do not make a profit on this service, any surplus generated is used to fund the charity's other services.
Not sure if you can afford our Dementia Day Support Service?
You can call our free Information and Advice service to check if there are any benefits that you may be able to claim that will help cover the cost of the service.
Register an interest in attending the Club
If you would like to register an interest in attending the Club, please email us today or call us on 01625 612958
Interested in knowing more about our Dementia Day Club ?
For a no obligation chat about the service, please contact us between 10:00am and 4:00pm, Monday to Friday. If you are then interested in taking the service on, we will arrange with you a suitable time to come and assess the service user and ensure that our service is best suited for their needs. We look forward to hearing from you!