Suggestions & complaints

If there is anything you feel we do particularly well or if there is something you feel we could do to improve things, then we would like to receive your suggestions and comments.
We welcome your feedback
We aim to provide the best possible service for all our service users.
We want you to let us know!
- when something is not right
- when you feel we have let you down
- when we could do better
- when you are satisfied with the service you receive
- when we have provided an excellent service
Tell a member of saff or a volunteer who will try their best to sort out any problems or concerns imediately and pass on your comments, complaints and compliments.
If you would rather not discuss the matter with the staff or volunteers, or you are still unhappy, please put it in writing to the Chief Executive or alternatively, by email.
We welcome your complaints. They help us improve our service. Your comments will be treated very seriously and you will receive a confirmation of receipt and if necessary, an investigation will be carried out.
If you are not happy with the outcome you can write to the Chair of Age UK Cheshire East, at The New Horizons Centre, Henderson Street, Macclesfield, SK11 6RA.