Our aims & priorities

Read more about our vision and mission for older people living in Cheshire East.
Our Mission Statement
Our mission is to support older people in our area to be healthy, independent and to have purpose and fun. We include older people in residential care and nursing homes and families, friends and carers of older people in our work.
Our Vision
Our vision is a world in which older people in our area can live the life they want.
Our Values
We are;
- Friendly & Welcoming - we treat everyone with respect, dignity & politeness
- Person centred - we put YOU at the heart of everything we do
- Realistic - we will be honest in what we can achieve
- Inclusive - we are inclusive and will turn no-one away
- Empowering - we will enable others to achieve their goals
- Outcome focused - we are keen to ensure effective outcomes for older people
- Sustainable & efficient - we will use our limited resources effectively
A copy of our Strategic Plan for 2023/24 is available here.
Our Commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion
Equality, diversity and inclusion are central to everything we do. We aim to celebrate the diversity of older people, and to support everyone to overcome barriers to their full inclusion and participation in society. We believe that positively valuing diversity and inclusion can make us better; helping us learn, innovate and deliver benefits for the people we’re here to help. We strive to do this by making our services and products inclusive, welcoming and accessible to everyone.
Age UK Cheshire East does not tolerate any discrimination, victimisation or harassment on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.
How do we do promote inclusion in our work?
We respect the diversity of those in later life, their carers and advocates, and understand that they have different needs, choices, cultures and values. We will do everything we can to ensure that we’re as inclusive as possible in all areas of our work and operations, whether that’s providing services for older people, campaigning and influencing, or as an employer.
Why do we do this?
Society cannot improve for anyone while people are treated unfairly because of their age, or their ethnicity, gender, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or because they are disabled.
It is unlawful for organisations to discriminate on the grounds of gender, gender identity, race, religion and belief, sexual orientation and disability in employment and training, and in the provision of goods, facilities, and services, except in very limited circumstances.
We believe an inclusive society where everyone, including all older people, is treated with dignity and respect will not only benefit older people but will also help to develop greater social cohesion, tolerance, stability and prosperity in the wider society.