Calls for urgent social care funding

Published on 23 September 2021 03:40 PM
Age UK Cheshire East is calling on the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak MP, to give councils the extra money they need to provide decent care services for older and disabled people now and over the next three years, when he announces the outcomes of his Spending Review at the end of October.
We know that good social care makes such a big difference to older people and their families in Cheshire East. The problem is that, despite everyone's best efforts, it can be hit or miss whether you get it, because across the country there just isn't enough money for care, or enough care workers, to go round.
We are pleased that the Prime Minister has announced more help for older people who face sky high care bills, but virtually none of the funding that goes along with his plan is set to arrive in local areas like ours' before autumn 2023 at the earliest, and most of it is tied up with administering the new care cap.
Yet many older people here and elsewhere need more help from good care services now. They can't afford to wait until 2023 because that will be far too late. Unless more money comes into social care via local councils very soon, more and more older people will have to put up with inadequate provision, if they can get it at all. Without an urgent injection of cash we also fear the position will go on getting worse, because of growing demand and rising costs.
Damon Taylor, Chief Executive of Age UK Cheshire East comments “we know that older people and their carers are really struggling right now to find the right level of care for their loved ones, and as options reduce, they are left with some incredibly difficult decisions to make. That is why we are supporting the national Age UK campaign and asking local people to get on board and support our calls to ensure sufficient funding is made available immediately.”
It is no exaggeration to say that the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, is holding the future of care in his hands. That's why we are calling on him to play his part in "fixing social care", as the Prime Minister has promised, through the funding decisions he makes in a few weeks' time. For older people who need help here in Cheshire East, and indeed, throughout the country, the stakes really are very high.
To sign the petition to call for more urgent funding, click here