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Home Help pedals her way around the world to support older people

Published on 14 September 2020 02:03 PM

A home help for a local charity has recently reached an impressive milestone of 25 years providing support to older people in their homes across Macclesfield.

Lifetime Macclesfield resident Casilda Bann first joined Age UK Cheshire East, or as it was called then Age Concern East Cheshire, back in June 1995. In her role as Home Help, over her 25 years of work for the charity, it is estimated that Casilda has made in excess of 10,500 visits to older people’s homes, to help them with a variety of household tasks, such as cleaning, washing, light meal preparation and other tasks householders so often struggle with.

And what makes Casilda’s feat even more impressive is that she goes to each and every client by bike, come rain or shine, negotiating the busy roads of Macclesfield every day to support older people in their homes. In 25 years working with the charity, Casilda has ridden in excess of 31,000 miles travelling to clients, equivalent to riding more than once around the world! Even today, whilst older people’s movements are severely restricted and they remain isolated in their homes due to COVID-19, Casilda continues to make her all-important visits.

To mark the very special event, Casilda was presented with a big bunch of flowers by the Charity’s Service Manager whilst she was out and about on her calls. “I was so thrilled that anyone even remembered I’d been here this long” said Casilda on being presented with her gift. “I’ve loved every minute of this job, and have met many wonderful older people who really appreciate the work I do for them in their homes.”It’s not all good news though.  Only a few years ago, whilst Casilda was on one of her visits, her bike was stolen from outside a client’s house.  Undeterred, Casilda dusted herself down and quickly found a new bike, determined that her clients shouldn’t suffer without her services just because someone had pinched her bike.

Casilda has no plans to hang up her bike just yet either “I love this job and the older people I work with” said Casilda “I think as long as I can peddle my bike up and down the hilly streets of Macclesfield I will be happy to carry on!”

Anyone interested in accessing the Help at Home service can call us on 01625 612958 or email Further information is available here