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Household Support Fund

Published on 19 June 2024 12:37 PM

Councils in England have been allocated further funds under the Household Support Fund scheme. The expectation from government is that this funding should primarily be used to support households in the most need with food, energy, and water bills. It can also be used to support households with other essential costs. This may include households not currently in receipt of DWP welfare benefits.

Eligible spend includes:

  • Food - to provide support with food whether in kind, through vouchers or cash.
  • Energy and water - support with energy bills and water bills
  • Essentials linked to energy and water - support with essentials linked to energy and water.
  • Wider essentials - support with wider essentials.

Cheshire West and Chester Council has asked Age UK Cheshire to help distribute the funds to the most vulnerable residents aged 66 and over in our borough, and has provided us with funding to be used in line with government guidance for distribution by 30th September 2024.

If you need support, please contact our Household Support administrator via:

email or telephone on 0151 348 8111

For people who do not meet our criteria, please see for alternative agencies who are also distributing funds.

Household Support Fund in Cheshire East 

Cheshire East residents can access the fund by following the link below.  Referrals must be made by a professional who feels that they are eligible for support.