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Age UK North Cumbria is a local independent charity working in the community to support older people, their families and cares.

We want everyone to be able to love later life.

Who we are

Age UK North Cumbria was formed in April 2009 and is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. Age UK North Cumbria is a stand-alone charity and partner of Age UK. We have over 30 staff and over 140 volunteers providing a wide range of services for older adults in North Cumbria.

Our Vision

A world where everyone enjoys later life

Our Mission

To help people make more of life

Our Ambitions

  • Everyone can love later life
  • Everyone has a decent standard of living
  • Everyone can enjoy the healthiest possible life
  • Everyone can access high quality health and social care services
  • Everyone feels comfortable, safe and secure at home
  • Everyone feels valued by their local community with opportunities to join in, volunteer, learn and work
  • Everyone can have their voice heard and can influence decisions that affect their lives

Our Values

  • Caring

  • Empowering

  • Inclusive

  • Optimistic

  • Responsive

  • Realistic

  • Respectful

Our Aims

1. As experts in older peoples' issues: Provide accessible information, advice and guidance

2. As a quality service provider: Expand the range and reach of professional support services

3.As an established and respected local organisation: Engage more older people in preventative activities

4.As a campaigning and influencing organisation: Work to make North Cumbria more age-friendly place to live

Where you can find us

Our main office is based at 20 Spencer Street, Carlisle CA1 1BG.

Visit our contact us page.

How we are funded

We rely on your support to keep serving the community. We are supported by charitable grants, legacy gifts and donations from the public, and income from Age UK North Cumbria charity shops

What we do

  • We give advice

    Our advisors offer free information and advice to older people and their families. In 2019 our advisers helped older people to claim over £1.8 million that they were entitled to.

  • We offer home help

    We offer home support services to help with personal care, shopping, cleaning, gardening. and so much more.

  • We befriend

    Our volunteer befrienders visit lonely older people in the community who have no one to talk to. 

  • We provide activities

    We offer a range of Lunch Group and Day groups, giving people the opportunity to keep fit, socialise, or learn a new skill.

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Call Age UK North Cumbria

01228 536673 01228 536673

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