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Age UK Canterbury offers lots of services for older people and their carers. You can search our services below
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Age UK Canterbury service
A fantastic group for those living with mild to moderate dementia
Age UK Canterbury
Our Dementia & Me organiser offers a range of services and activities for people living with dementia
The Collins Unit is for people over 50 living with dementia.It is a secure unit with a higher level of individual attention and stimulation than a traditional Day Centre
Dementia & Me.We offer a holistic array of services support and activities for people living with dementia, and those that care for them, at all stages of the dementia journey.
Our Community Navigators help people over 55 stay independent in their own homes
Our Day Opportunities Centre provides a large range of opportunities for older people to meet and engage in social activities to promote well being
The service offers advice and assistance to find the best way to help you after discharge from hospital - anything from falls prevention, finding care packages, looking at housing options or signposting for benefits advice.
East Kent Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
We offer free independent and confidential information and advice to older people, their families and carers