Keeping Safe

- Location: Age UK Camden
- Price: Free
Telephone: 020 7837 3777
The team will be providing 1-1 support for anyone aged 50+ who have concerns about scams, have been a victim of a scam or would like some tips on how to avoid them.
What is a scam?
A scam is a dishonest scheme used by criminals to trick people out of their money. Scammers want to ger their hands on your personal details (such as name, address, passwords, account numbers and date of birth) as they provide a route to your cash. Stealing personal details is known as ID fraud. With this information, it’s possible for fraudsters to take money from your bank, go on a spending spree with your cards, open new accounts in your name or even make false insurance claims.
Scammers might be individuals or they might be part of an organised gang. They are convincing and will make their scam sound plausible. Falling prey to scammers is no fault of your own, but it is important that you are aware of the most common types of scams so you can reduce the likelihood of it happening to you.
Most common types of scams
- Promising a gift of some kind and asking you to part with a small amount of cash to secure your gift.
- Befriending you then convincing you to part with money to help them out of a tricky situation
- Selling a product or service that never materialises
- Tricking their way into your home so that they can steal cash or valuables
- Impersonating a trusted organisation – such as your bank, utility company, the police or a government department – to trick you into giving out personal information.
- TV licence scams are on the rise since the laws changed regarding TV licences for the over 75s. Be aware that TV licence companies will never visit you at home to ask you to set up a payment plan.
Scammers might get in touch using a variety of different methods
- Phone (calls and texts)
- Post
- In person/on the doorstep
- Online (websites and emails)
Help and support
If you or someone else is in immediate danger because of a scam (for example, being threatened by an aggressive doorstep caller), call the Police on 999.
REPORT: Action Fraud
Action Fraud is the UK's national reporting centre for fraud and cyber-crime where you should report fraud if you have spotted a scam or have been scammed, defrauded or experienced cyber-crime.
You can visit the website or call Action Fraud on 0300 123 20 40.
If you’re unsure and want to discuss this with our team please contact our Information & Advice service on 020 7837 3777 or email and one of our advisors will be able to support you.
For more information on scams, what to look out for and how to prevent it happening to you please read this Age UK guide on Avoiding Scams