Great Croft Day Care Centre

- Location: Age UK Camden
- Price: Costs may vary
£76.79 per day, with an additional £5 for lunch to be paid separately
Age UK Camden
Great Croft Resource Centre
Cromer Street
United Kingdom
Telephone: 0207 278 5090
Our Great Croft Day Care Centre is located in King's Cross, and within walking distance of Euston Station and Kings Cross St Pancras. Great Croft offers a variety of services and activities for older people, including our sensory garden, which is great for hosting BBQs in the summer!
What is Great Croft?
Great Croft is an award winning day care centre. We provide a wide range of activities and workshops as well as being a specialist centre caring for older people with complex needs. The day care centre also provides a hot lunch and a range of outings and special events.
To refer yourself or a loved one to Great Croft Day Care Centre, please complete our referral form here
Our Activities
- Singing
- Dancing
- Dementia care group
- Darts, dominoes and cribbage
- Gardening
- Craft class
- Art class
- Indoor bowling
- Bingo
- Chair based exercises
Who can attend?
There are two options for older people to attend Great Croft:
1. With fees paid for by Camden Adult Social Care (if assessed as eligible)
2. As a be ‘self-funder'.
Please get in touch if you have any questions about attending.
Support for Bangladeshi family carers
Great Croft works closely with Bangladeshi families and their carers to provide ongoing support and a break from caring. This includes:
- Monthly benefit advice sessions
- Outings
- Regular telephone contacts
- Home visits
- Help liaising with agencies/other organisations
- Respite for family carers
Suhel Siddiqui
020 7278 5090
Opening Hours and access
We are located near Kings Cross Station and buses 46, 91, and 214 stop close by.
The hub is open 5 days a week, Monday–Friday, 9.30am–4.30pm, with occasional weekend opening for special events.
Please feel free to ring the centre or drop in to meet us.
Contact us
Great Croft Day Care Centre
Cromer Street
Kings Cross
Phone: 020 7278 5090