Befriending Services

Our Befriending Services are here to support you or a loved one to stay connected and offer a friendly listening ear to anyone who just needs a chat.
We offer befriending over the phone, in person, and in person befriending for older people living with dementia. Find out more about each of these services below.
Dementia Befriending
If you're an older person with memory issues or dementia, living on your own with little or no family & friends and have no contact with other services & activities, a befriender can visit you at home on a weekly basis.
Telefriends is here to support you or a loved one to stay connected and offer a friendly listening ear to anyone who just needs a chat. We'll pair you with one of our trained volunteers who will call you once a week for a friendly chat.
Good Neighbours Scheme
Our Good Neighbours Scheme matches trained and checked volunteers with older people aged 65+ in NW3 and Primrose Hill. We can arrange a match between you and a volunteer, who will come to visit you on a regular basis.