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We caught up with Jen to ask her about her experience as a Telefriends volunteer. Jen spends 30 minutes every week talking to her Telefriend on the phone. This might not sound like a great deal of time, but for her Telefriend, those 30 minutes make all the difference to their happiness wellbeing. Over to you, Jen! 

How long have you been volunteering as a Telefriends volunteer? 

I started volunteering in April 2020 when we were only a month into the first Covid lockdown. I was introduced to my Telefriend then and we’ve spoken every week for the four years since then – that’s 200 calls and counting!

What attracted you to the role, and why did you want to volunteer at Age UK Camden? 

Like many others I felt like I wanted to do something to help people whose lives looked like they might be difficult during lockdown. I’d recently lost both my parents and realised how much I valued that regular conversation, so it seemed like an easy step to phone my Telefriend once a week. I was working and could see that I could fit in a 30-45 min call in my lunchbreak – it was a manageable commitment. 

What is the most unexpected aspect of your role? 

I never expected it to continue for four years! Nor could I have imagined that we’d still find new things to say to each other. Maybe most unexpected is my awareness that while this is a simple phone call for me, it holds such an important part in my Telefriend’s week. There are some weeks when I have been the only person he has spoken to and many others when I’ve been the only person to have a real conversation with him. It has made my phone call feel very worthwhile. 

How have you been supported within your role? 

The Age UK Camden Telefriends team have been amazing. So easy to contact, so much experience to share and good advice to offer when I have any questions. I certainly don’t feel I’m on my own. They’ve helped me understand my role and have helped me understand the boundary of my role. The team have always had time for me.  

Has your Telefriend ever commented to you about the difference it has made to them? 

My Telefriend does tell me how much he looks forward to my calls, but this isn’t the only way I can tell. I know that he sits by the phone for 20 mins before our allotted time, so he doesn’t miss the call; I know that he sounds delighted to pick up the phone and sorry when I start to say our time is up. We don’t do big emotional exchanges, however I’m in no doubt of the value. 

What are the best bits about being a Telefriends volunteer? 

It is brilliant when my Telefriend remembers something from his past and has so much to tell me about it that the time flies by – and I’m on the edge of my seat listening to his stories.  I have learnt that he is an extraordinary man; hugely intelligent, fiercely independent, interested in life and generously kind. Having the privilege to get to know him is the best bit for me. 

What would you say to someone who is considering volunteering as a Telefriends befriender? 

Sign up now! It’s a small commitment, can be done from anywhere and you will make such a big difference to someone’s life. Loneliness amongst older people is a major issue and the scale of it can make us feel powerless, but one person at a time, Age UK Camden’s Telefriends is changing this.  

Thinking of volunteering?

Has Jen's story made you think about doing something for your community? We have volunteering roles to suit everyone!