Corporate volunteering

Volunteering with Age UK Camden is a great way to engage with and contribute to the local community.
The activities we offer are directly involved in service delivery, helping to make a real difference to people’s lives. We aim to offer a positive experience for everyone involved so volunteers can see the benefit of their input.
Digital Support Clinics
These corporate volunteer led workshops help older people get the most out of their laptops, mobiles and other devices. The workshops last about two hours, with up to three planned into a day, allowing a rota of staff to be involved. 1 member of staff is paired with an older person and will help them improve their digital skills and learn more about their devices.
"Carat has been involved in the ‘Digital drop-in’ sessions for Age UK Camden for the past few years. We find it extremely rewarding. It’s easy to forget that older people in society haven’t grown up with the internet and all the latest devices and technology, so tasks that we take for granted can be a bit daunting for them. So it feels really satisfying to be able to show someone how to have a Skype call with their grandson in Australia, or create a Facebook account to stay in touch with old friends." Holly, Volunteer, Carat
Activity at one of our day centres
We’ve had talent shows, quizzes, tea dances and game tournaments. Teams – usually around 8-12 people – discuss their ideas with the centre manager and then plan and deliver the activity.
Teams – usually around 8-12 people – discuss their ideas with the centre managers and then plan and deliver the activity.
Film and afternoon tea
If you have a space that is accessible for older people, you could organise and host a film and afternoon tea event.
Help out at an event
We often need an extra pair of hands at fundraising events, which can be anything from selling raffle tickets to chatting to some of our members or shaking a collection tin. Email for more information.
Working with us
Organisations we have worked with
- Marriott Harrison
- Guardian News and Media
- Rothschild
- British Land
- Santander
- Prudential
- Lloyds Banking Group
- Fairview New Homes
- Carat
- Simkins LLP
- Menzies
- Mount Anvil